Be careful what you believe because that is what you will experience. Your belief system is a mechanism which is uniquely yours.

Our Achievements

1. Book ‘the revenge is Mine’ New reader magerzine of New York are doing a screen play for submission to Studios to get the book on the big screne.

2. Merlin’s Secret has been entered in ‘Writers Digest’ self published book awards. Result out later this year

3. Merlin’s Secret entered for review and submiision to

4. Merlin’s Secret submitted to Authors Gateway in Hollywood for prepartion of a query letter to film studios.

5. Daylight Robbery: Malcolm John Baker has recently signed a film contract for the making of a movie for Daylight Robbery. Malcolm John Baker will be the executive producer for this particular movie. The screenplay is being professionally prepared now, with filming will start later in the year. The company he is working with NRM Media and Malcolm John Baker will also be taking an active role in all the production process.

6. Merlin’s Secret: Stratton Press is to publish the Merlin’s Shakespeare Encounter in about three months and also Merlin’s French Encounter will be released in later this year. Book lovers this is a very good opportunity for all of you to book your Merlin’s Shakespeare Encounter in three months from today . The exact date of the book release will be announced shortly.

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